Marketing and commercialisation
Do you need a quick introduction to the conference? Take a look at our brochure.
Would you like to help us with marketing? See tips and materials below.
The "Get your doctor involved" campaign is shared at the bottom.
The brochure is 8 pages long and contains a QR code to the website.
It can be downloaded, printed and shared.
The brochure is in Norwegian only (updated 27.11.24).

Choose between two versions, which can be printed and handed out. The QR code is for the website.
Flyer colour | Flyer black/white
English Flyers: Colour | Black/white

If you don't have the opportunity to print flyers, you can send a postcard to your GP and/or other healthcare professionals. The card is first saved on your own PC before being uploaded to the digital postcard service to PostNord - which prints and sends to recipients.
The QR code is to the website.

Social media
Images that can be shared on social media together with a link to the website.
Facebook 1 | Facebook 2 | Facebook cover image

The conference will be marketed in various places, but we also need your help to reach as many people as possible.
Here are some suggestions:
- Share the website and images on social media
- Tip colleagues, family, friends and acquaintances
- Send information to healthcare professionals, politicians and decision makers
- Print flyers to take to GPs, therapists and others
- Mention the conference if you talk to the media about ME or Long Covid
A big thank you to everyone who is helping to spread information about the conference!
Get your doctor on board
The conference is divided into course outlines to the Norwegian Medical Association, and will be advertised in four editions of Tidsskriftet for leger. However, the most important marketing is personal contact. The enclosed information pack can be sent to your GP/doctor's office by email/letter, or taken to your next appointment.
- Information letter from project manager Per Navestad
- Approval letter from the Norwegian Medical Association
- Flyer with QR code to the website: Flyer colour | Flyer black/white
The information package has also been sent out to all members of the Norwegian ME Association (2.11.24), as well as to 200 medical centres, out-of-hours services, municipal medical services, specialist health services and others in Rogaland.
We encourage everyone to tell their doctor about the conference. Let's go together!